Common Land Common Independent State sof Bangala Peninsuala
( Bongobhumi of India, Shiligur of india, gurkhaland of Nepal India, Boroland India, Assam of India, barakdesh of India Bangladesh Myanmar, Tripura of India Bangladesh, Jumland of India Bangladesh, Arakan of Myanmar, Kochinistan of India Myanmar)
If the then state rest of parts of West Bengal Of India, Bangladesh, And Myanmar wish to join , in, Common Land Independent States of Ban gala.
movement can be accepted for economic freedom of people of the region by common plan of resources and rights there on.
This is to parallel the movements of Barkdesh Independence formation with other formation movement inspired by,are
Tripura Independence formation.
Shiligur Independence formation.
Jumland Independence formation.
Arakan Independence Formation.
Khochinistan Independence formation from Myanmar India.
Bongobhumi Independence formation.
Is regions is not new to join or in common resource cooperation, they were in common touch
Of British Empire , Mughalistan, Mhughal Empire, Ava Empire, Boman Kingdom, Suva Bangla, Bengal Sultanate, Arakan Kingdom, taungo Kingdom, Khemr Empire, Pye Kingdom.
Its for economic freedom to all by very systematic planning of lands transport and cost saving of production movements with human freedom of free move, equal land rights, open land right transfer, free and open news and news publications, open entertainment, tv, radio industry investment,
We are in welcome but truly is for
Equal right to all for which British India comes to an settlement of Giving strange secret and look like conditional independence to Burmalands , India and Pakistan east and west,
If e real freedom is not ensured then the legislation of 40's Independence reconsiderable.
( Bongobhumi of India, Shiligur of india, gurkhaland of Nepal India, Boroland India, Assam of India, barakdesh of India Bangladesh Myanmar, Tripura of India Bangladesh, Jumland of India Bangladesh, Arakan of Myanmar, Kochinistan of India Myanmar)
If the then state rest of parts of West Bengal Of India, Bangladesh, And Myanmar wish to join , in, Common Land Independent States of Ban gala.
movement can be accepted for economic freedom of people of the region by common plan of resources and rights there on.
This is to parallel the movements of Barkdesh Independence formation with other formation movement inspired by,are
Tripura Independence formation.
Shiligur Independence formation.
Jumland Independence formation.
Arakan Independence Formation.
Khochinistan Independence formation from Myanmar India.
Bongobhumi Independence formation.
Is regions is not new to join or in common resource cooperation, they were in common touch
Of British Empire , Mughalistan, Mhughal Empire, Ava Empire, Boman Kingdom, Suva Bangla, Bengal Sultanate, Arakan Kingdom, taungo Kingdom, Khemr Empire, Pye Kingdom.
Its for economic freedom to all by very systematic planning of lands transport and cost saving of production movements with human freedom of free move, equal land rights, open land right transfer, free and open news and news publications, open entertainment, tv, radio industry investment,
We are in welcome but truly is for
Equal right to all for which British India comes to an settlement of Giving strange secret and look like conditional independence to Burmalands , India and Pakistan east and west,
If e real freedom is not ensured then the legislation of 40's Independence reconsiderable.
Under consideration of ideas of Common land independent States
Common Land Common Independent State
And with British Raj constitutional rights on ex territory and Common Wealth federation of Independent state.
This is going to Consider,
The Princely of Common States of ......
The Princely of Common State of ... As born from British India
ReplyDeleteWill enjoy political and diplomatic freedom as independent states after a strict common system of state architecture.
The base/common system is free of athonic religious philosophical ideas rather planning of optimized economic balance and prosperity in human existence all together and ensure the cultural and intellectual and grouth of knowledge understanding. The whole base system is self running less human influence or not at all, a very pure build architecture will run by itself to ensure above human necessity and freedom.
The upper state mechanizam is of different then that of base,
Where is a common boundary states with free political Entity and and foreign reletions. Such the the states in free mechanism can share princely of the then British Raj rights on legislation alive in some sort to intervention, or a friendly cooperation for re-status of Statehood.
In spaddition, the base and upper may seem can be opposite
ReplyDeleteYes that can be from same to opposite but not to clash or risking the base structure.
The princely states that are in full autonomous in terms of common state.
The states capital govt is like political and diplomatic soverighn but economically not.
ReplyDeletePrincely Can bear any state membership in World nations or with the Common State Govt.
The princely state law in same two layer base to protect base and upper.
The Common capital Govt bears all sovereignty in local and political but under very predefined system and a light upper layer human interfareable framework.
The law and order agency definitely will meet the base system.
ReplyDeleteEqual distribution of resources and opportunities of people of region with athonic balance.
Simple its Balanced ethnic region.