✦ Exposing the Global Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Albert Pike and WWIII
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine . During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
TheThird World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel ) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." -Albert Pike in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, excerpt from William Carr’s “Pawns in the Game"
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How could Pike make comments about Naziism if he died in 1891?
The idea of National Socialism existed long before Hitler made it so popular.
Great point. Got me curious to do some quick research.
The idea existed, but the term Nazi doesn't manifest until the National Socialist Party.
"The German Workers' Party (German: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated DAP) was the short-lived predecessor of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP)." The party started in 1919 and changed to the NSDAP in 1920.
Excellent question Bodhi.
I checked five etymology dictionaries and several dictionaries of philosophy, political and social sciences, all of which place the origin of "Nazi" around 1923/24.
The Freemasons' themselves claim the letter was first reported by Edith Starr Miller but that it's origins begin with a hoax perpetrated by Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, AKA Léo Taxil.
Here it gets interesting:
Edith Starr Miller was the daughter of William Starr Miller, a New York congressman, lawyer and industrialist. She was also the wife of Lord Queenborough, a member of The Order, Knight of Malta, and prominent English fascist. She was a conspiracy theorist and active in several British fascist organizations.
Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, AKA Léo Taxil was taught in a Jesuit school in France. He turned to fraud, hence the two names. He appears to have been anti-Catholic. and became a freemason, joining the lodge Le Temple de L'Honneur Français in Paris in 1881. The freemasons claim to have expelled him before he reached the 2nd degree level, which prompted him to add anti-masonic literature to his literary oeuvre.
Gabriel Jogand-Pagès died in 1907, sixteen years before the term Nazi was created, so the letter is no more likely to have been his handiwork than Albert Pike's.
The Knight's of Malta, in an essay purporting to outline their history, both acknowledge supporting Hitler, and claim the freemasons as their enemies. From what I can gather the masonic elite are part of a globalist conspiracy which at it's essence is anti-Catholic, while the Catholic elite are trying to create their own world dictatorship, with powers similar to those they enjoyed during the inquisition. Meanwhile their seems to be a masonic version of the Knights of Malta, and both sides seem to be operating in the same clandestine organization, heavily trying to infiltrate each other and wrestling for control of resources.
Perhaps this is at the heart of the story, although whether there is a war among the elites is another mystery. Their are so many versions of reality out there, and few look attractive.
By the way, if anyone has a theory about why the Knights of Malta, an aristocratic heredity Catholic order honor G.I. Gurgjieff by putting his image on their website banner, I'd be curious to hear it.
Gurgjieff described himself as a esoteric Christian whose Christianity is the Christianity that existed before Christ, indeed before the ancient religion of the Pharaohs. Not quite in harmony with normal Catholic dogma as I understand it.
Best Wishes,
Sorry, I just discovered that the image is not Gurdjeiff but Prince Awaloff-Bermondt, 74th Grandmaster of the SOSJ, heir to the Czar, and commander of German forces fighting the Bolsheviks in 1919-20.
Best wishes,
exellent article eric, freemasonry is definatly a acomplice of TPTB.
Low level freemasons are just puppets like catholic priests and cardinals to hide the true nature of the top of the pyramid...
really interesting....especially the part where they bring back lucifer....
i read in several sources (can post them here but am on the go rightt now) that another race used early man on earth as their workers and that the kings son of this race did not like the way they treated our ancestors and wanted to free them.
the alien race not wanting to loose its power of cause didnt like the king sons bhavior and got rid of him by telling he was bad and making him lucifer/satan or whatever its called
so in a nutshell there might be a chance that in the end the truth would be released.....
Great comments guys, thanks for sharing your research. Peace
This letter was exposed on the British Museum, but now it has dis-appeared. Hmm...
If you're wondering how he could have named nazism and zionism by name in 1871, one must remember it was the illuminati who created both of those...
Prehistory of National Socialism
1834 the term "Nationalsozialismus" last appears in Print: Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel, page 36
1870 the term "National Socialism" first appears in English: "The sects of the Russian Church", The North British review, Volumes 52-53.
1884 "National Socialism", mentioned in "Fabian Tracts", Fabian Publications, Great Britain.
1896 The Czech National Social Party is formed.
1897 Franko Stein moves a small periodical Der Hammer from Vienna to Eger.
May 1898 Maurice Barrès, while standing as a nationalist candidate for Nancy, France, coins the term "Socialist Nationalism".
1898 German Workers Congress organized by Stein in Eger (Cheb).
Apr 1902 Organization of Nationalistic Labor took place in Saaz.
Nov 15, 1903 Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in Österreich formed. (DAP)
1904 Hans Knirsch proposes to add "National Socialist" to the Austrian DAP name; rejected by party congress confrees.
1909 "All-Austrian" congress of the German Workers’ Party held in Prague.
NATIONAL SOCIALISM EXISTED SINCE 1834, HOLY SHIT. At first I thought these Pike letters were bullshit. Now, im not so sure.
If "they" are running the world, who is to say that "they" didnt already have this term created and the symbolism. Use the greatest symbol of peace for thousands of years along with a name for a Party to blame the evil on. Its called PRE-PLANNING ... its not hard to believe if you already believe "they" exist and are ruling the world. What other plans do "they" have ? and names for things you havent heard of yet ?
Interesting stuff. This letter was on display in the British Museum Library for years, it's been referenced in many books I've read, and it's accuracy in predicting the current world situation pre-WWIII is spot-on. So if it isn't authentic why is it so perfectly prophetic?
Always enjoy your articles, evenif I don't Gree with them.
I do find it hard to digest the smooth transitional domino effect described here and by others elsewhere for the fall, control and manipulations of the wold. It's not that I don't agree, it's that because the actual agenda is mostly secret, there is no way to confirm or deny the details without conjecture. It's very interesting and easy to make assumptions but the expectations and goals are only going to go so well, there will always be hiccups. Considering the egos and need for control those manipulators will ALWAYS tell the story as thoug it were plann that y from the start, no matter the truth.
I'd Ike to see more articles like this from you, Francis Bacon, Nicholas Roritch (spelling), Einstiens Freemason connections. There's is so much to cover here.
The Rape of America
The NWO began 2012 years ago.
The puzzle pieces will fall in to place when you acknowledge this fact.
WW1 was created because Germany was going to build a railway to Baghdad giving them access to vast oil. This threatened London's power over the world financially. And again Germany was tricked into the second world War but this time, wall street got the better of London on this deal and have been the dominant force ever since. At this stage I don't know who is winning out of London or Wall street. Interesting that yet again Germany is trying to bailout struggling economies engineered by the banking cartels.
We are getting closer to WWIII you are already seeing signs that this prick predicted hundreds of years ago.
Just further proof it's all a mask. The winners of wars write the history books, never forget that.
I honestly believe that the United Nations is a modernized version of the Tower of Babel in the bible. I don't mean to push religion on you but that stuff was there in the bible thousands of years ago. The NWO was the Babylon system. I honestly believe Babylon IS America....and the Tower of Babel is the UN building sitting right there in New York.
I wonder if freemasonry dates back to the bible days.
Read the first paragraph of the first chapter of this book by Albert Pike.
These letters are fabricated. There was a war among the elites the Aryans vs the Semites. The Semites seem to have won.
@Anonymous thAt still doesnt explain how he says about the use of the word isreal because the balfour declaration was in 1918 and isreal came into existance in 1948...it was definitely written by some mason if not albert pike because the freemasons history aginst the muslim ottoman empire for jeruslaem is know to everyone....also solomons temple is in jerusalem so the war to make isreal the ruling state is not a far fetched possibility
Maybe Lucifer gave Pike the ability of prophetic foresight?
Yes, I know this is a five year old thread.
JFK's speech about Secret Societies SAID IT ALL!!!
NO ONE WITH SECRETS (Things to hide) can be of G-d!!!
That he was able to use words, which were unheard of, at the time, hardly disproves that he was a prophet.
Also, noone is particularly hiding this from you.
Makes sense that what you are seeing with this refugee crisis is planned to infiltrate Muslims worldwide to bring about Pikes plan so bloody well orgistrated so bloody well obvious common sense the unfolding of Pikes blueprint
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